Shaykh Mohammad Nazim Al-Haqqani An-Naqshibendi,
Sohbat of 16th of February 2012.
Audhu Billah min
al shaytan al rajim Bismillah r-Rahman r-Rahim. Dastur Ya Sayyidi madad, madad
ya Mawlana S. Nazim Al Haqqani, madad Ya Sayyidi, Ya Sultan al Awliya'
Tariqatuna Al Suhbah wa Al khairu fil jamiya.
Our Naqshbandi way is Tariqatuna Al
Suhbah, by association, wa al khairu fil jamiya, meeting hearts together with
each other with the heart of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (qas) who is the one who in
this period of time can make everyone to reach to the spirituality of the Seal
Prophet (saws) and to be in the Divinely Presence of Allah Almighty. No one
else can do it. Even there are 124000 Awliya', but all of them they are in need
of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, because he is the Sultan of Awliya'. Sultan Al Awliya'
is also a small title for him, higher than Sultan of Awliya' he is. He is
higher than Sultan of Awliya', he is the king of Awliya'.
He is the one who represents the...
the movement of Wahdaniya, of Unity of Wahdaniya of Allah Almighty, make
everything by it to survive and to give life to all His creation - Mala'ika
(angels), mankind, jinn, animals, plants. By the movement of Wahdaniyat of
Allah Almighty all of them they are existing by the existence of Allah Almighty
and he (Mawlana) is this channel to make this existence for everyone to be
existing, by the existence of Allah Almighty.
After from the
permission, from the son (S. Mehmet) of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. Shaykh Muhammad
the khalifa of Mawlana S. Nazim (qas). We are here, I am one of you not to make
a sohbah astaghfirullah. Insha'Allah Mawlana makes sohbah S. Mohammad. Only a
statement. Now we are around 3 weeks and Mawlana Shaykh Nazim he is as if
disappearing because he said he was ordered from starting of the month of
Rasulullah (saws) the Mawlid of the birthday of Rasulullah,to enter into a seclusion.
And he is in this seclusion, but it was a very strong seclusion that Mawlana he
was in. Using all his spiritual & all his physical power because he is the
one whom making by this seclusion... On the 20th of the month of Rabiyul Awwal
Mawlana was telling me, it was Monday after Asr time, he told me
"Alhamdulillah Allah dressed me to..by this seclusion, now I was able to
change the inspiration of the inspiring from Allah Almighty over all creation,
from Sunnatu-Allah to Qudratu-Allah." Just by this minute he said, by
Monday afternoon was able to change. Because everything was till now going on
by Sunnatu- Allah which means as it is written on the Lawh Al Mahfouz on the
Preserved Tablets where Allah Almighty erases or confirms everything.
Qudratu-Allah means that everything from now on, is going to be happening by
extraordinary power, by miracles.
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The... centuries
which was no permission to use miracles is over, finish! By the 20th of this
month of Rabiyul Awwal he was able through this seclusion, Mawlana Sultan Al
Awliya', King of Awliya' to make the miracles and the century... Staring the
century of miracles & extraordinary power from Allah Almighty &
Rasulullah (saws) be in between mankind, in between all creation. By
"Be" Kun Fayakunu" now. He said just now Allah Almighty opened
and was announced by Sayyidina Jibril (as) from the Throne of Allah Almighty,
to all Heavenly creation, earthly creation, galaxies creation, Heavens, earths,
to be known that the King of Awliya' Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, was able to and
accepted by Allah Almighty to Allah Almighty change the powers from now on to
be miracles power.
Qudratun Ilahi, the Almightyness Power from
Allah Almighty to be dressed to him & to the awliya' under his hand 124000
Awliya'. And we said by this now the seclusion is ending. At the last of it by
the end of this month of Rabiyul Awwal which remaining only 3-4 days, less than
1 week and it will be finshed, this seclusion will be finished. But the secret
& the reality & the wisdom of this seclusion was happend on the 20th
eve of 21st of Rabiyul Awwal. And for this, Mawlana, Allah Almighty dressed him
now by Qudratu-Allah. By the power of the Almightyness of Allah Almighty &
Rasulullah (saws) and made him to be 70.000 times higher than he was before.
And for this now he is quickly returning to his ordinary at his usual recovery.
Quickly he is recovering. Now Alhamdulillah
all this seclusion which was... ordered to him by Rasulullah(saw)& Allah
Almighty Alhamdulillah He finish it, even making him a little bit to be... his
body because don't think that the physical body can be resisting.... when the lights
of the Ishraqati Anwari Thati Al Buht Lil Haqq Jalla wa 'Ala.When the Lights of
the Holy Face of the Essence of Allah Almighty One reflecting on the Sultan,
the King of Awliya' whom he represents the spirituality of Rasulullah (saws),
the physical body will be a little bit weaker. And for this he was in such a
condition, that he needed to be treated by medicines and by all kinds of these
usual things with which they treat the sick one because only to give power to
his physical body to be to the immunity of the physical body, to be resisting
these lights. And so Allah Almighty how much dressing him by these lights no
one knows except Allah Almighty & Rasulullah. Allah wa Rasulu A'lam. Is not
something easy. From time of Rasulullah (saws) all the Sahaba all Awliya' all
grand Shaykhs,all Sultans of Awliya' everyone in his period of time, they were
using Sunnatu-Allah, what Allah Almighty likes. What the Wish of Allah Almighty
to be going on. Now Allah Almighty changing to His Qudratu-Ilahi, to His
Almightiness power that only from now on these two words "To Be" in
between creation. "Kun Fayakunu" Be it will Be." And this
starting by the end of the seclusion of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim which was
Alhamdulillah finished by the 20th of Rabiyul Awwal, Monday 3 days ago.
And now Mawlana is
totally recovered Alhamdulillah and no more any... treatment or antibiotics, or
medicines or anything is given to him. Now on he is recovering by using his
self- power, the physical self-power. Even though he is dressed by the Qudratun
Ilahi, by the Godly power from Allah Almighty. But he say now "my
power...Allah is so powerful that he can make
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all these universes, Heavens,
creation, Allah can make them all to be carried by less than the tiniest atom
which one can imagine. Allah can do this. Allah can do anything He wants by
"Be it will Be". And this it is now dressed to me (Mawlana Sh Nazim).
From now on, my power is by Qudratun Ilahi, by "Be" everything is
going to "Be". Going to "Be" and when I say "Be!"
it will Be." This is the...the last seclusion before the appearance of
Sayyidina Al Mahdi (as). Because Mawlana said "Sayidina Al Mahdi (as), his
time is a miraculous time, and he is the one to invite Sayyidina Al Mahdi (as)
to appear and for this, he was in need for this seclusion to be done.
And since he is among people, it was
difficult for him to do this seclusion and so he chose to be away from people
or anyone entering his room, seeing him. Even though he was totally...
concealing himself by his spiritual power, that always as if he is sleeping. No
food, nothing entering his stomach. Only some- times he used to drink some
water. For more than 3 weeks like this. Until now and now he start to eat, to
recover and he is in a very good situation, Alhamdulillah. But since it is the
end of seclusion, also not allowed yet to meet people or to sit with people,
until this will be finished. Until he will be granted from Rasulullah (saws) a
special crown which is... granted to him by Allah Almighty & Rasulullah
(saws) and it will be in the last day of the month of Rabiyul Awwal.
He then is able to be appearing in
among people. But Alhamdulillah now he is very good physically & spiritually
- cannot be imagined or described. As Rasulullah (saws) and Allah Almighty told
him in the Night Journey"My Beloved Muhammad (saws) describe Me". He
told him "Oh Praises be to You Allah Almighty! No one can describe You. No
one can be able to describe You." And like now his spiritual power &
his high Maqam among all Awliya' in between all the Godly government of Allah
Almighty. No one can describe except Allah Almighty & Rasulullah (saws) the
high Maqam which Mawlana Shaykh Nazim now is dressed. And he is Alhamdulillah,
for everyone, for all his murids and for all whom they are waiting for Sahibul
Zaman, Sayidina Al Mahdi (as) we can give this good tiding that Mawlana is in
very good health and he is very powerfull and now he will start to arrange and
to prepare all Awliya' and all his murids to be ready to be using this word -
"Be! it will Be."
To appear Sahibul
Zaman Sayidina Al Mahdi (as). Big events Mawlana says, is going to happen now
in front of us. And all these events by the signature of Rasulullah (saws) and
by the Will of Allah Almighty and all of them appearing from Qudratu-Allah,
from the Almightiness power of Allah Almighty, not from the usual... which is
written on the Lawh Al Mah'fouz. Now which is going on, after the month of
Rabiyul Awwal, is going to be from the Umm Al Kitab, The Mother of Books.
Because Allah Almighty making the Lawh Al Mah'fouz, The Preserved Tablets Allah
Almighty erase or confirm. While Umm Al Kitab The Mother of Books, which is on
The Throne of Allah Almighty, this is according how Allah programmed it, before
He created creation - 80.000 years before Allah Created creation He programmed
all whatever He is going to Create & He endorsed them in this Mother of
Books, Umm Al Kitab and there no one can
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change or touch this Book. This was
going to happen in front of us and for this The Sultan of Awliya', the King of
Awliya', the one who is now all the time in total responsibility toward Allah
Almighty & Rasulullah (saws). He is the one to make whatever written, in
the Mother of Books to be carried on in creation so that Sayidina Al Mahdi (as)
appears & Sayidina Isa (as) descends and all Awliya' to appear like sun!
No more night, no more darkness, no
more moon. Only sun is going to shine and all the time it is going to be day
time full with light. Lights which cannot be imagined because it is a
reflection of the Lights of the Face of the Holy Essence of Allah Almighty over
Rasulullah and from Rasulullah to Shaykh Nazim (qas). So everyone be happy.
Everyone be in peace to know that
Mawlana is in very good health Alhamdulillah! And he is recovering. Quickly he
is recovering and now he is able to sit on his chair & eat & drink. But
according to what Rasulullah (saws) is ordering him to eat & to drink,
because he is still in the seclusion. And Insha'Allah by the end of this
seclusion he will be 70000 times higher than anyone who used to know Mawlana
before this seclusion. And for this we make this statement because everyone all
over the world, especially the murids of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim all of them are
anxious and worried scared that anything... is happening to Mawlana. No we will
say Alhamdulillah by the blessing of Allah Almighty & Rasulullah (saws)
Mawlana is very good health, Mawlana is very good Alhamdulillah. He is talking
- but only to Shaykh Muhammad, Shaykh Bahauddin, to the ones whom they are able
to enter to his room & to sit with him, only also for few minutes, he is
not....Mawlana willingly likes to sit hours or speak too much, no!
Most of his time,
all his time you will feel his room like thunder in it. How you heard thunder.
Like thunder from the Hatif-ul Rabbani The Hatif-ul Rabbani which means the
voice coming from The Divinely Presence of Allah Almighty & Rasulullah
(saws) and so you will see his hand, his legs & feet, all his body always
all of them they are making Zikr of Allah Almighty. And as the room shakes also
and all the time he is saying this praising to Allah Almighty which we were
ordered to mention and to be said in every Khatm Al Khwajagan - Subhanim Allah,
Sultanim Allah Nabim Muhammad Aleyhi s-Salam. Raising his hand, all his time
like this. When he stops this, then you will see him as if he is leaving his
body and he is travelling 1 hour, 2 hour, 3 hour, 4 hour then returning.
Subhanim Allah, Sultanim Allah, Nabim Muhammad Aleyhi s-Salam. Like this
Mawlana. And Alhamdulillah now he is very good, and he is now not..his face as
if you are seeing the sun! When it is shining noon time, how you cannot look at
the sun like this? You cannot look at his face because of the lights. What
coming from his light &Hamdulillah his body very powerful Alhamdulillah
that anyone looks at him, he thinks as if he is in The Divinely Presence of
Rasulullah (saws) and as if he is seeing reflection of Lights, of The Divinely
Lights of The Divinely Presence of Allah Almighty.
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This is the situation of Mawlana
Shaykh Nazim, which we want everyone to know about it - that he is very good
Alhamdulillah & he is now starting to see some people who he wants to see,
Who will not disturb his seclusion. Because until the end of this month, and
this month will be ended by Tuesday or Wednesday coming Tuesday, Wednesday and
for this after Insha'Allah, according to him, he likes to remain up or to come
down to be in between people, it is according to him. But the most important
thing, that everyone to know that he is in very good health, very good
spiritual power and no one to say anything bad about his health or his
situation as if.... the one who saying bad about him, it is only from his ego
& his shaytan. While really Mawlana is very good. His heart is very good.
His mind is very good. His health is very good. His physical body is very good
& his spiritual body & his reality & his power cannot be described.
I have no tongue to describe it, because it is something cannot be described
except by Rasulullah (saws).
And all awliya' in the 24 hours visiting
him, for this he is not meeting people because all the time he is full with
Awliya', spiritual Awliya'. Going, coming, going, coming taking from his eyes
these lights & this power. As the eyes of Sayidina Aba Yazid Al Bistami
Sultan al'Arifin (ra). Till now all Awliya' go to visit him & to take power
from his eyes. And like this Mawlana. Anyone looking at his face he will feel
that all his battery is well charged & full with all means of power and he
will be then as flying.
Alhamdulillah Mawlana is very good &
congratulations to all of you & to us that we are murids of Mawlana Shaykh
Nazim. & Mawlana is coming out of this seclusion much more powerful by
thousands & thousands of times. And he is in good health & insha'Allah
Rasulullah (saws) he signed for him 20 years of age more. So be relaxed. After
20 years of age then Allah (swt) carry. Bi Hurmati Al Habib, Bi Hurmati Al Fatiha.
Bismillah r-Rahman r-Rahim An important
matter, Mawlana now sending to my heart, that Mawlana giving thousands &
thousands of salam for everyone who prayed for him from who asked about him,
who visited him whom he connected his heart with him, also giving salams
spiritually to him. And also very..too much thanks to the ones whom they served
Mawlana in this seclusion - first S. Muhammad Khalifa of Mawlana, Shaykh
Bahauddin, and Hajja Rukiya his daughter, & Hajja Naziha his daughter. And
especially Hajja Riham also the wife of Shaykh Nabil. And all of them they did
their best by love. And not only by love, but also by faith and a'tiqad - so
high spiritual love that all of them they were everyday as if just now, they
start to serve Mawlana & by this good serving, of all of them Allah (swt)
dressing them by all these high Maqams.
And Mawlana thanking
them & thanking also all the doctors and the nurses who looked after him.
Even he told me "really my doctor was Allah Almighty & Rasulullah
(saws). And these doctors they are tools. I was accepting them only because
Rasulullah (saws) in the Hadith saying: one must do things which is known
between people, must be done. And so I accept.
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Otherwise I don't need all these
doctors & nurses. Allah Almighty He is my doctor & Rasulullah (saws)
and Grand Shaykh. And he is thanking also Hajja Rukiya, Hajja Naziha, Hajja
Riham. And Shaykh Muhammad &
Shaykh Bahauddin & all whom they serve him.
And also giving salams & dua & prayers
and very powerful spiritual Light dressing for everyone who visited him and was
respecting him & was loving him and every day praying for him, for his recovery.
And Alhamdulillah Mawlana is well recovered. May Allah Almighty dress him by
long life & by all means of health & goodness and may Allah Almighty dress all
of you who visited or prayed for Mawlana to be...and ask to be good murids to
him and to reach with him the time of Mahdi(as). And now Shaykh Muhammad to
make a dua..Shaykh Muhammad Khalifat Mawlana (qas). Make a dua for Mawlana
O our Lord accept from us, & forgive
us & have mercy on us and grant us victory over the corrupt & support
our Sultan, Sultan of Muslims Sayidina Al Mahdi(as). May Allah make him appear & accept
our supplication. May Allah support our Shaykh, Muhammad Nazim Al Haqqani grant
him health & power. Fatiha. As-salamu Alaykum.
Video Link: http://www.saltanat.org/Blog/tabid/271/PostID/581/Mawlanas-Khalwat-eyh-Efendi-
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